Frequently Asked Questions
For the most Frequently Asked Questions, please see the topics below. Already a user, jump to the usage questions below.
For detailed information on using the Outlook Plugin for Blackbaud CRM, please reach out to us directly as we will be happy to walk you through our products and provide you with our User Guide.
If you are still unable to find the answer to your question, please emailĀ
Sales Related Questions
+ 1. Does this plugin require customizations to Blackbaud CRM?
NO! Our plugin has been developed from scratch, using Blackbaud CRM best practices taking advantage of the openness of the Infinity Platform. No customizations are required to Blackbaud CRM to use the plugin – only some simple configuration is necessary!
+ 2. What are the compatibility requirements?
Our plugin works with Blackbaud CRM versions 3.0 and greater. Our plugin also works with Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016, and desktop clients with Office 365. (The plugin will also work with Office 2007 with some reduced functionality- however we do not support 2007 users) Our plugin will work with any Exchange server and Blackbaud CRM can be hosted or on-premise.
At this time, our plugin will only work on desktop Outlook clients on Windows machines. Apple, Online, and Mobile versions of Outlook are not compatible at this time – however we are actively developing our Office 365 Add-in which will allow for Apple, Online, and Mobile usage.
+ 3. Does your plugin work with Outlook 365?
YES. Our solutions cover all devices and tailor each to meet the user where they are most.
This flexibility allows functionality on desktops, Outlook for Mac, (Web), and Outlook for Mobile/Tablets (iOS and Android Apps).
+ 4. Can I download a trial version?
YES, we offer a 30 day free trial. Our plugin is really simple to install and very straightforward to use, but we’d like to give you a quick demo first so you’re not driving around blind. Please contact us at to request a quick demo and free trial.
+ 5. How much does the plugin cost?
Our plugin is extremely cost effective and is cheaper than most customizations developed by Blackbaud. Pricing options come in bands based on the number of users – with options as low as $5.50 per user per month!
Please contact for your personalized quote.
Plugin Usage Questions
+ 1. How do I find my Configuration Details?
If you can log into Blackbaud CRM, you should be able to find the required values to properly authenticate with Blackbaud CRM. Please refer to the image below to see where to pull the appropriate values. (In Blackbaud CRM, navigate to Administration > Security > Application Users.

+ 2. Outlook seems to freeze when the Plugin is Syncing
Unfortunately, this is a side effect of Outlook being a “Single Threaded” application. We recommend changing the sync options (in Configuration) to a time that will cause you less interference from Outlook freezing. You can also turn the sync automation off and manually refresh the sync from time to time.
*Our V2.0 due summer of 2019 has been re-engineered to address this concern and provide a better use experience.
+ 3. Outlook disabled the Plugin. How can I re-enable it?
With many things trying to open at once, Outlook can sometimes disable plugins which cause an extra delay. We have put a lot of effort into making the plugin as efficient as possible but this still does happen. For Outlook 2013 and newer users, you can re-enable the plugin and tell Outlook to Always Enable the plugin by following
these instructions.
+ 4. How can I contact Support?
If you have been able to activate your plugin, navigate to Settings > About > Send Support Logs. This should create an email message with the plugin logs attached. Add your question to the email and hit send. You can also email support at